Engagement closed on Thursday 13 July

Thank you to everyone who participated. An engagement report will be available soon along with details of further future engagement.


The Greening the Pipeline initiative aims to transform the 27km long heritage listed Main Outfall Sewer (MOS) Reserve into a vibrant space that will connect communities, enhance active transport , manage water sensitively and provide a unique place to meet, play and relax.

This project is empowered by a collaborative alliance between Melbourne Water, Wyndham City Council, Greater Western Water, Department of Transport and Planning and supported by Greening the West. Click here to find out more about the overall project and the history of the MOS. There's also information on Melbourne Water's Greening the Pipeline website.

For the purposes of planning, the MOS reserve is divided into nine distinct Zones. Click on each zone below to find out more.

Greening the pipeline map 9 zones

Zone 4 - Active Transport Link

We are currently seeking feedback on the concept designs for the 1.8km section between Skeleton Creek and Old Geelong Road. Your ideas and support will help with grant applications to fund this project, and hopefully together we can bring this vision to life. The project team will be seeking funding opportunities to realise this vision.

Zone 4 will include:

  • Retention of existing trees where possible
  • New trees and grassland planting
  • New mulched garden beds
  • Hydromulched grassed area
  • Concrete cycle path
  • Gravel maintenance path
  • Ecological gravel trail
  • Bicycle facilities /stations
  • Lighting
  • Pause points and seating
  • Timber crossings
  • Grassed areas with trees
  • Informal boulder steps
  • Timber deck / mesh over Aqueduct
  • Bricked / paved areas

The tabs below provide details of each section in Zone 4. You can download high resolution versions of the concept designs in the document library up in the top right corner of this page. Once you've viewed the designs, you can provide your feedback via the quick survey below.

Zone 4

Aerial view of zone 4

Old Geelong Road

Roya Court

Passive rain garden

Skeleton Creek

How to get involved

We want you to tell us your thoughts what you think of our plans for Zone 4 via the below survey. You can download high resolution versions of the concept designs in the document library up in the top right corner of this page.

Provide your feedback below before 11:59PM Thursday 13 July 2023.