Consultation closed in mid 2019.
Read about what we heard below via the engagement report and summary.
How can we transform Wyndham’s urban areas to create a more liveable city?
Wyndham should be a place where people can live with ease and enjoyment. Everyone has the same 24 hours in their day. But the way we spend that time impacts upon how much we get out of life. Time spent travelling to work, the shops, study, appointments, and so forth reduces the amount of time which could be better spent enjoying life.
Through the Wyndham Urban Framework Plan, Council is reviewing the connections between the urban areas of Wyndham to create better traffic flow and access to jobs, shopping areas, community services, open space, transport and your community - boosting the quality of life for people of all ages.
We’re interested in hearing from you on how we can build a better city which will thrive over the next 50 years. How would you create ‘more time for life’ in Wyndham? Does the proposed plan better connect our urban areas? Your feedback will contribute to improving the draft of the Wyndham Urban Framework Plan.
About the Wyndham Urban Framework Plan
The Wyndham Urban Framework Plan sets the long-term direction for a sustainable and aspirational development of Wyndham within the Urban Growth Boundary.
The Wyndham Urban Framework Plan will be co-designed with the Wyndham community, tackling key issues that face our community, such as traffic, employment, infrastructure and development, along with the growth and potential of Wyndham.
Read Katie’s story - an experience of living in Wyndham. How can a better designed city help Katie, and you, have a better day?
The Wyndham Urban Framework Plan is underpinned by the Wyndham 2040 Vision which was developed by the community. This plan addresses the Wyndham 2040 Vision theme of ‘Places for People’:
- Creating vibrant places - where people can meet and connect or relax and enjoy
- Providing a good mix of shops and shopping destinations, local education opportunities, and social services and medical facilities
- Connected and easily accessible places through an efficient and extensive transport system.
Please note: The non-urban areas of Wyndham that lie outside the Urban Growth Boundary are known as green wedges. These are the subject of other planning processes and documents, namely Green Wedge Policy and Management Plans.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Wyndham Urban Framework Plan survey
Wyndham should be a place where people can live with ease and enjoyment. We’re interested in hearing from you on:
- How you would create ‘more time for life’
- What you would do with that time
- How you currently spend your time
- And your views on the Wyndham Urban Framework Plan Emerging Options Paper.
Your feedback will contribute to improving the Wyndham Urban Framework Plan.
Please review the plan in the document library before completing the survey. You can also read Katie’s story - an experience of living in Wyndham.
The survey should take 10 minutes to complete and closes Friday 5 July 2019.

These events have now concluded.
Register for an information session
How can we transform Wyndham’s urban landscape to create a more liveable city which will thrive over the next 50 years?
Join us for a two-hour hands-on information session where together we will workshop key themes of the Wyndham Urban Framework Plan:
- Are we on the right track with our preferred plan for Wyndham’s urban area?
- What’s important to you in your community?
- How can we better connect the urban areas of Wyndham?
- How can we create more time for life through better urban planning?
The information sessions will be hosted by Council’s Urban Futures Team and attended by local Ward Councillors.
Ahead of the information session we recommend that you read the Wyndham Urban Framework Plan.
Register for your local session below. Light refreshments provided. Please arrive by 6.30pm for evening sessions and 10am for daytime sessions.