
February Community Update

20 February 2024

We're already well into 2024 so that means we have lots of engagement news to share with you.

Keep reading to learn about the exiting projects we have open along with news on some changes we've made to The Loop to make it easier for all members of our community to get involved.

Creative Wyndham

We're looking for feedback on Creative Wyndham, a new strategy that will celebrate our vibrant and creative community.

The Strategy will act as a roadmap to help Council plan for the delivery of creative infrastructure, programs and growing creative industries to increase our city's vibrancy and creativity.

Share your feedback on creative activities and events in Wyndham before 11:59PM Monday 18 March.

Share your feedback here.

Wyndham Reconciliation Advisory Committee

We're calling for Expressions of Interest (EOI) from local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to become members of the Wyndham Reconciliation Advisory Committee (WRAC) for the remainder of the Committee's term (December 2024).

Committee members will:

  • Support ongoing engagement between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities and Council about how reconciliation can be achieved.
  • Advise Wyndham City Council on matters that affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Wyndham City.

Submit an EOI before 11:59PM Sunday 3 March.

Learn more here.

Youth Survey 2024

We're looking for young people in Wyndham to to participate in our biannual survey designed specifically for those aged 12-25.

Feedback will play a crucial role in guiding the development of Youth Services programs, activities and facilities over the coming year.

Complete the Youth Survey 2024 and go in the draw to win a brand-new PlayStation 5 Slim Digital Edition Console with 2 controllers.

The survey closes at 11:59PM Monday 6 May.

Get involved here.

Help in your language

We're excited to share that we have just launched our We speak your language page on The Loop!

The page currently houses videos translated into five different languages including Arabic, Chinese, Vietnamese, Karen, Hindi, and two more videos translated in (South Sudanese) Dinka and Bari language will be available soon.

The videos evolved from feedback received directly from multicultural focus groups hosted by Council. They provide a more accessible format that allows community members to understand more about what community engagement is, how to get involved, and the advantages of signing up for The Loop.

As always, the Engagement Team is available to assist with any questions you may have via

We look forward to seeing you on The Loop soon,

Wyndham Community Engagement Team