Consultation has closed

Thank you for your feedback. An engagement report will be available soon.

Werribee City Centre of the Future

Werribee City Centre is a vibrant, diverse and growing centre, offering a range of attractions enjoyed by those who live, work and study in the area. Over the past ten years, growth and change in the Werribee City Centre has been guided by a vision, structure plan and policy.

We've refreshed some of our important planning documents to help shape Werribee's vibrant future and want to know what you think.

What's changed?

This has been an important project with the Werribee City Centre Structure Plan, Parking Strategy, Streetscape Framework and Design Manual, Schedule 1 to the Activity Centre Zone and Parking Overlay all being updated based on your feedback:

  • We've refreshed the City Centre vision highlighting Werribee’s strengths and role as part of the ‘heart’ of Wyndham.
  • We've expanded the boundary of the City Centre to include important landmarks like the Werribee Racecourse and Eagle Stadium.
  • We've fine tuned planning controls so new City Centre buildings integrate well with residential areas, heritage assets, streetscapes and parks, for improved amenity.
  • We've updated existing strategies to make the City Centre even more accessible, attractive, vibrant and community focused.
  • We created the new draft Streetscape Framework & Design Manual to guide the streetscape upgrades desired by the community.

Refreshed Documents

Refreshed Documents

Read more about each of the documents that have been updated or refreshed as part of this project.

Werribee of the future

Werribee of the Future

We've created some exciting images of how Werribee City Centre could look in the future as we head towards 2040.

How to get involved

We want your feedback on our refreshed documents (including the Werribee City Centre Structure Plan, Parking Strategy, Streetscape Framework and Design Manual, Schedule 1 to the Activity Centre Zone and Parking Overlay) to make sure we've got them right.

Complete the below survey or register for one of our drop in sessions to talk to us in person. We'll also be popping up across Werribee in May so you can share your feedback while visiting the City Centre.

Provide your feedback below before 11:59PM Wednesday 22 May 2024