Parking in Werribee City Centre

This Parking Strategy has been prepared to manage parking in the Werribee City Centre and support its growth as a vibrant, people-friendly City Centre that is accessible to all. This iteration of the Parking Strategy is based on the original document adopted by Council in 2019, and has been refreshed in-line with Council’s commitment to review the document every 5 years.

It also incorporates and replaces the Werribee City Centre Parking Precinct Plan adopted by Council in 2014, so that now there is only one strategic parking document for the Werribee City Centre.

Parking Principles

The Werribee City Centre Parking Strategy is based upon the following principles:

  1. Customers come first in the hierarchy of users
  2. Walking, cycling and public transport are prioritised above other transport modes
  3. Disabled parking and loading are to be well catered for
  4. Premium short-stay public parking in the Central Precinct is to be for customers
  5. Longer-stay off-street public parking is to be located in Premium Parking Facilities and in the Perimeter Precincts
  6. It is reasonable for long-stay parking users to walk up to 7.5 minutes (500 metres) from where they park their car to their primary destination
  7. Public parking in Perimeter Precincts and outer surrounding areas is to be shared between users
  8. Fees will not be charged for short-stay public parking, while a small fee may be charged for off-street longer stay public parking to reflect its premium value
  9. Free all day public parking is to be provided in City Fringe areas
  10. Parking rules will be enforced so that the public parking system operates as designed.
  11. Technology may be used to efficiently manage parking.

Werribee City Centre Parking Strategy – Action Plan

The Parking Strategy is proposed to be implemented through the Action Plan.

To achieve a balance between the needs of customers, workers, businesses, residents and commuters.

To meet disabled parking needs.

To support the efficiency and user-friendliness of the parking system and decrease the distance travelled and time spent in search of a parking space.

To encourage and support an increase in walking and decreased car dependency. To facilitate parking in Perimeter Precinct and reduce pressure on parking in the Central Precinct.

To encourage and support an increase in cycling and decreased car dependency, through a mode-shift towards cycling.

To provide for the transport needs of new developments while facilitating decreased car dependence and a mode-shift towards more sustainable forms of transport.

To encourage and support cycling and walking and decrease car dependence.

To provide for the loading needs of new developments on-site where appropriate, to free public space for other uses.

To replace existing public parking on the Catalyst Sites and to maximise the potential of the Council-owned sites through mixed use developments.