Consultation has concluded

The Princes Highway Tree Master Plan was adopted by Council on 06 February 2019.

The finalised plans can be viewed in the document library.

Princes Highway Tree Master Plan

For many years the stretch of the Princes Hwy formally known as Geelong Road West, (between Werribee Street and the Princes Hwy) has been lined with tall trees, some native, some exotic, some of which have important heritage values.

There is evidence of tree plantings as part of a WW1 memorial and the Calder Memorial Avenue tree plantings that recognised the achievements of William Calder, the first chairman of the Country Roads Board.

Due to the poor health of some of the trees and adjacent developments, a few trees have been removed along this stretch of road. To reinstate this significant roadside feature, Wyndham City has developed a Draft Princes Highway Tree Master Plan.

About the master plan

The Princes Highway Tree Master Plan and the accompanying Sections and Design Theme will inform future landscape works along this stretch of the road.

Key design objectives include:

  • Creating a strong avenue and entrance into Werribee through continuous rows of trees and enhanced landscape treatments at key intersections
  • Inclusion of existing trees, many of which have high community, environmental and heritage value
  • Interpretation and reinstatement of the former 1918 Avenue of Honour and Calder Memorial Avenue through avenue style planting and commemorative signage. Trees have been selected to complement the character of these, including staggered / contrasting species south of Newmarket Road & Westleigh Drive
  • Environmental, visual and amenity enhancements resulting from the additional canopy trees and planting, as well as seating and WSUD (Water Sensitive Urban Design) measures - to be confirmed during detailed design.

Please see the document library for the technical landscape plan for the site. We have also provided detail on what we aim to do and an artistic impression of what the road will look like when the trees have grown.