Phases of community engagement

Phase 1 - Community consultation for the evaluation of current Learning Community Strategy 2018-2023 closed in March 2023

A first round of consultations evaluating the current Learning Community Strategy sought to understand the community’s support for the themes that would guide learning in Wyndham City into the future.

It found that through its Learning Community Strategy Wyndham City is effective in promoting lifelong and life-wide learning, fostering partnerships, and providing a roadmap for an equitable, inclusive, and innovative learning community.

It also found that the next strategy should align with other Council plans, engage with the First Nations Community, focus on language, literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy, and respond to changes that will shape the future in the fastest growing local government area in Australia .

You can read more about our first phase of engagement via the engagement report here.

Phase 2 - Community consultation to inform the development of our new Learning Community Strategy 2024-2029 closed in June 2023

Our second round of engagement asked for feedback on priority areas for learning in Wyndham. Literacy, numeracy and language was the number one priority with health and wellbeing and employability, vocational and professional skills ranking highly.

We asked for your current learning goals to help us know what to focus on in the new Strategy as well as your expectations for learning in our city.

Community members shared feedback on challenges they face when learning in our city including financial barriers, a lack of courses in preferred areas of study and career and course planning.

You can read more about our second phase of engagement via the engagement report here.