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Engagement is closed
Read the engagement report or the Panels' report below to see how the Community Vision and Priorities were finalised.
The refreshed Wyndham 2050 Community Vision is here!
The Wyndham 2050 Community Vision sets out our community’s hopes and priorities for the future. It helps guide planning—not just for today, but for the years ahead. It is developed by the community, for the community through a deliberative engagement process.
This process involves randomly selected participants who receive balanced information, discuss and evaluate key issues over several days with independent facilitators, and present well-informed recommendations to the council.
In February, 150 community members, randomly selected from our People's Advisory Panel, from across Wyndham joined the Future Wyndham Community Panel. On Saturday, 15 February, 108 panel members came together to review a summary of the thousands of ideas gathered from community surveys, workshops, and pop-up events during stage one of this project.
They also heard insights from Council staff and members of the 2021 Panel who created the existing Community Vision. Over the day, they worked together to refresh the Wyndham 2050 Community Vision and create a range of priorities for Council to focus on to help progress the Vision.
Over 200 community members then provided feedback on the Draft Vision and priorities during the Public Exhibition process before they were finalised by the Panel on Saturday 22 March.
You can read the Panel's final report here or watch the video below to see how the process went.
Refreshed Wyndham 2050 Community Vision
Future Wyndham Community Panel
Wyndham 2050 Vision Priorities
The Vision is supported by the following priorities for all of Wyndham as well as Place Based priorities for our local areas.
Council will focus on these priorities to help progress the Vision, including advocating for support from other organisations for priorities outside of Council's control.
1. Health and Wellbeing
Fostering the wellbeing of Wyndham Citizens on all levels, physical, mental and social, with a focus on mental health, expansion of affordable community sports and access to cleaner and safer open spaces and facilities/amenities.
2. Public Safety and Crime Prevention
Prioritise and expand public safety and crime prevention measures through implementation of social cohesion programs, youth programs, and preventative community measures.3. Infrastructure and Planning
Develop infrastructure early to meet planned and forecasted growth needs and enhance public transport with more buses, to bolster inter-suburb connectivity.
Preserve the municipality’s green wedge to strengthen economic growth.
4. Recreation and Tourism
Boost community events through arts, culture and activities for all Wyndham community groups. Encourage Tourism by showcasing Wyndham’s hidden gems, history, heritage and culture.
5. Transport
Advocate for more frequent public transport (more and small bus loop). Infrastructure improvements i.e. Council owned roads and maintain existing roads.
6. Connected Community
Foster community inclusion and engagement by boosting communication and transparency. On what’s available and what’s on in Wyndham, that supports a multicultural and diverse community
7. Sustainability and environment
Nurture agriculture and work towards a climate focussed and sustainable environment with a focus on waste and recycle management.
8. Civic Pride and Beautification
Protect the land, sea and coastlines of Wyndham by keeping the area clean, increasing green space and canopy cover to improve the visual aesthetics and ensure Wyndham is an attractive and appealing city.
1. Reliable connectivity
Sustainable and less stressed community as a result of more frequent and reliable public transport.
For example
- advocate for more frequent and expanded services to improve accessibility throughout the day (flexi-bus)
- advocate for more frequent bus services to access train stations and reduce reliance on cars Safer and happier community as a result of less congested, better maintained, and safer roads.
- Increase double-laned roads (example, Leakes Road between Derrimut Road to Davies Road)
- Advocate for more red-light cameras, speed cameras along major roads (for example, Leakes Road, Derrimut Road, Palmers Road)
- Build new speed limiting devices
- Proactive and timely maintenance of roads - e.g. potholes, large cracks.
2. Increased parks and recreational facilities
A healthier and more connected community.
For example:
- Tree planting increases shade coverage and improves sustainability
- Council hosting or supporting more community events in local parks
- Council reducing the red-tape surrounding hosting community events
- Council supporting led initiatives
3. Social hubs and programs
Improved safety, crime prevention, and youth engagement.
For example:
- Substantial increase of streetlights in pedestrian pathways and parks
- Increase in CCTV coverage across parks and pedestrian pathways
4. Enhanced greenspaces
Sustainable suburbs that are also visually appealing to spend time within.
For example:
- Use sustainable materials (flora and fauna) for beautification
- Tree planting increases shade coverage and improves sustainability
5. Proactive council-planning around new housing
New developments are built with robust infrastructure plans and strongly advocated for by the council, which allows liveability straight away instead of it being an afterthought.
For example:
- Mix-developments built near amenities like train stations
- Major roads built before development
- Try to have amenities within walking distance (“local” community)
6. Proactive council-planning and design for business hubs and industrial areas
We have a council which promotes business and employment within the municipality, and plans industrial zones and road-traffic away from main roads which are close to housing areas.
1. Defend Little River & Werribee South from industrialised exploitation thereby protecting the rural playground of Wyndham.
- All of Wyndham has Little River as a countryside, open space escape for recreation and leisure. Its charm and beauty are available to the whole of Wyndham not just the locals of Little River.
- The community relies on Council to actively fight federal, state and local led development proposals that show no awareness of the local culture and historical significance of Little River within Victoria's heritage.
- Advocate for safe and appropriate developments in protected areas for example current threats include a proposed solar/renewable farm in the base of the You Yangs destroying the natural beauty and introducing a huge risk to a historical bush-fire endangered area.
2. Promote tourism and events
- Continuing to support farmers market, festivals, events, cycling tracks that will attract people from wider community to promote tourism at Wyndham.
- support inclusivity for all from the elderly to disabled and youth
- Promote the artistic talent within the Wyndham region for example Little River art show
- Increase marketing and promotion of those events throughout Victoria and beyond.
- Embrace our natural spaces for artistic purpose, events and tourism.
3. Protect Green Wedge
- Advocate to state government for alternative farming zones
- Protect & support farmland in green zones
- We need to preserve and maintain our rural lifestyle, beaches and green wedge zone.
- Protect rural area of Little River
4. Infrastructure
- Support Werribee East with increased infrastructure to support the needs of the community
- Maintain current infrastructure we currently have and upgrade as community needs change whilst
- respect current protection overlays and environmental sensitivities
5. Safety, Accessibility and Recreation
- We need better public transport and a train line to Werribee South to cater for Point Cook and Werribee South precincts.
- Feeling Safe is imperative for our community and can be aided by Security Cameras, street lighting, road maintenance, Police monitoring and community initiatives like neighbourhood watch programs.
- Better recreation facilities that combine open spaces, wellness, mindfulness, co- working and short term accommodation that will integrate our community for all age groups and all facets of life.
1. Crime and Community Safety
- Create a safe environment for all where we don’t feel at risk or restricted in our local communities, through better street lighting and crime preventative measures.
- Advocate for stronger local police presence.
2. Health and Wellbeing
- Advocate for increased levels of health services such as more government funded GP clinics, mental health support services, and introduce localised urgent care facilities.
- Increase support services for older residents.
3. New & Improved Infrastructure
- Focus on improving our basic local facilities & services to keep up with growing population.
- Advocate for timely infrastructure planning and implementation.
- Plan and introduce new recreational and community facilities in newer estates.
- Improve and maintain existing facilities in the older Wyndham Vale areas.
4. Accessible Transport & Connected Community
- Take a proactive approach in planning, advocating and implementing road connections between Wyndham Vale/ Manor Lakes, and the wider Wyndham Community, particularly the passage between Manor Lakes & Tarneit.
- Address congested roads through duplication of current congested roads or finding alternative solutions.
- Ensure all newer estates, such as Lollipop Hill, have access to public transport, particularly around local government schools & connectivity to Wyndham Vale train station.
5. Youth & Community Engagement
- More youth focused, elderly, and multicultural offerings, particularly to foster an inclusive community that supports individuals at different stages of life.
- Focus on the importance of connecting people of all cultures together.
- Implement means-tested subsidies or programs to increase access amongst all members of the community, particularly children and youth.
6. Education & Employment
- Advocate for more standalone secondary government schools in the Manor Lakes area, to take the load off Manor Lakes P-12 College.
- Provide more local diverse employment opportunities.
7. Maintenance & Beautification of Public Spaces
- Proactive but efficient, low-maintenance, but visually appealing landscaping & maintenance of local public spaces.
- Maintaining our existing public spaces to a satisfactory level.
1. Safe and efficient transport
Engage residents during the design process and leverage local community knowledge when planning improvements to improve the safety and efficiency of our transport network. Prioritise active transport over driving, advocate for more public transport and find local solutions to produce viable alternatives to driving, alleviating congestion.
2. Update and Maintain/ Improve existing infrastructure
Investing in maintenance to roads, footpaths, streetlights, signage etc. to ensure they remain safe and accessible at all times. Update street designs when undergoing road reconstruction to improve accessibility for pedestrians and disabled persons.3. Identify and enhance underutilised spaces
Get the most community benefit out of developed but underutilised land (e.g. replacing parking lots near Werribee Station and big box stores near Hoppers Station) to build vibrant places like Watton St) to promote local tourism and encourage business investment in Werribee & Hoppers Crossing, and create jobs.4. Promotion of local events/groups
Enhance support and continue to advocate for arts & culture in Werribee and Hoppers Crossing. For example, host more events such as street parties (e.g. Winter party on Watton St), local performances (Music, Theatre, etc.) that bring the community together.5. Improve and Enhance existing public spaces
Improve and construct more local parks and plazas in Werribee and Hoppers to create more opportunities for outdoor recreation. Promote and enhance shared spaces for members of the community/community groups to meet.6. Protecting and preserving natural spaces
Prioritise protecting and preserving natural spaces in partnership with the community when making planning decisions.
7. Advocate for community safety
Ensure planning and designs consider community safety through passive surveillance measures such as good street lighting.
1. Advocacy for accessible education
- Advocate for more meaningful secondary schooling (i.e. 10,11 and 12) education facilities and services for Point Cook and Williams Landing
- Strong advocacy for a school in Williams Landing
- Advocate for a strong review and inclusion of an intersectional lens within schools
2. Create, promote and advocate for professional opportunities
- Create professional jobs and volunteering opportunities locally
- Championing diverse talents and skills that are on offer in William’s Landing and Point Cook
- This balances mass commuting to the city by dispersing local traffic.
- Boosting the local economy and preventing social isolation
3. Management, beautification and protection of the environment.
- Create more opportunities for community to connect, engage and assist in the protection and enjoyment methods of our biodiversity.
- Increase social cohesion by promoting pride and beautification in our environment and living spaces (i.e. working with Parks Victoria to extend walking and cycling paths through Point Cook marine sanctuary).
- More opportunities to protect our natural spaces and coastline whilst also preventing of climate change
4. More opportunities for community to engage and connect with each other
- More opportunities and programs to build and promote more spaces for community to come together
- An audit on social inclusion in Council assets and centres in Point Cook and Williams Landing
- This allows more opportunities for social and economic input and development back into our local community
- This then allows for a ripple effect into other areas such as crime prevention, health and wellbeing, community engagement etc
- Promotion of cultural (CALD, Disability, LGBTQIA+ etc) creativity and engagement
5. Reduction of loose waste
- Tighter and effective restrictions on loose waste
- this means for both commercial and household waste collections (i.e. tighter enforcement on commercial properties, i.e. shopping centres)
- which leads to better environmental outcomes
- Community education around best practises
6. Advocate for more accessible transport
- Significant increase frequency and quantity to bus routes and other public transport options (trams, trains etc)
- Advocate and beautify bus shelters and routes
- Strategize and audit the ways in which Council’s transport is effective and efficient
- This also prevents traffic on local roads
- Advocate for more parking at William’s Landing Station
7. Increase accessible sporting and leisure opportunities for community
- Increases accessibility and connection for all age groups (i.e. youth, seniors, adults and children - i.e. an open sports and leisure facilities to the wider public during non-club use).
- Increase promotion and community awareness of the sports and leisure facilities that are currently in Point Cook and Williams Landing
- Increase intergenerational cohesion through programs and events.
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Acknowledgement of Traditional Custodians
Wyndham City Council recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first Peoples of Australia. We acknowledge the Bunurong and Wadawurrung Peoples as Traditional Owners of the lands on which Wyndham City operates. The Wadawurrung and Bunurong Peoples have and always will belong to the Werribee Yalook (river), creeks, stars, hills and red clay of this Country. We pay respect to their Ancestors and Elders who always have, and always will, care for Country and community today and for future generations.