Frequently Asked Questions

The Future Wyndham project will create the Wyndham 2050 Community Vision (previously the Wyndham 2040 Community Vision) and inform the development of other major long-term plans, including:

  • New Council Plan
  • Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan
  • Asset Plan
  • Long-Term Financial Plan
  • Workforce Plan

This update is carried out every four years to coincide with each new Council term, in line with the Local Government Act 2020.

The Vision highlights what our community wants Wyndham to be like in 26 years’ time and is the overarching document that guides everything we do as a Council.

It is actioned through our Council Plan (which set the direction of each four-year Council term) and the Annual Plan and Budget. It also sets the direction for future Council policies and work including the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, Asset Plan, Long-Term Financial Plan and Workforce Plan.

Your feedback helps Council create the next Wyndham 2050 Community Vision and decide how we allocate funds, what projects we prioritise, how we look after existing assets and where we direct our resources.

The Vision serves as a long-term document that details what the community wants Wyndham to be like in the coming decades.

Creating a new Vision that looks to Wyndham in 2050 aligns with this purpose.

The Long Term Financial Plan provides a 10 year view of Council’s financials.

It details the financial strategies the Council will follow each year as it sets annual budgets, to ensure financial sustainability is maintained so that Council can meet its responsibilities to the community now and into the future.

Council currently has ownership and responsibility for over $3.4 billion of community assets, including roads, drains, buildings, and open spaces. The value of assets is expected to grow to over $6 billion by 2040.

As Wyndham ages, the maintenance, renewal and replacement of assets will have a significant impact on Council’s long-term financial sustainability.

The purpose of the Asset Plan is to provide a strategic overview of how Council manages the community’s infrastructure and assets and what needs to be invested over time, in order to meet the defined service standards and levels.

Council has responsibility for delivering a breadth of services to its community, from waste collection to libraries. It also has responsibility for ensuring the wellbeing of the community.

The Council Plan describes how the currently elected Council will work towards delivering its responsibilities in line with the community’s priorities.

The work undertaken by Council through its Council Plan contributes to meeting the long term Community Vision as well as Council’s Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing responsibilities.

There are lots of opportunities for you to get involved, including:

Survey: in June 2024, every Wyndham household will receive a short survey in their mailbox asking them for feedback on the current Vision, what the new Vision should include and what Council should prioritise over the next four years. You can also complete the survey online through the Future Wyndham page on Council’s online engagement platform, The Loop. The Future Wyndham survey is now open and will close at 11.59pm on Sunday 25 August.

Community workshops/online sessions: register to attend a community workshop or online session happening in July and August 2024 via the Future Wyndham Loop page.

People’s Advisory Panel: if you’re keen to be involved in future stages of this project, and other Wyndham projects, sign up for the People’s Advisory Panel. For more information and to sign up, go to

Pop-ups: Wyndham City will be hosting pop-ups at train stations, shopping centres, Council facilities and other landmarks over June – August to make it easy for the Wyndham community to have their say while going about their daily business.

For more information, contact:

Community Engagement Team

P: 1300 023 411
