
July Community Update

31 July 2023

Our July Loop newsletter is here! We want to know what you think about engagement at Wyndham and what your thoughts are on creating a more inclusive Wyndham.

Keep reading to find out more.

We're reviewing how we do engagement at Wyndham

We are always looking for ways to improve and want to better understand your community engagement experience during the last 12 months.

The only way we can do that is by hearing directly from you, the community. Share your feedback to help us improve our engagement process and get more community members involved with Council decision making in the future.

Provide your feedback below before 11:59PM Sunday 13 August.

Share your feedback here.

Share your feedback on our Plan to create a more inclusive Wyndham

Closing soon! Our Draft Accessibility and Inclusion Plan is open for feedback until 5PM tomorrow!

The Vision for our Draft Plan is that 'People with disability, our families and/or carers experience dignity, respect and inclusive access to opportunities and services. Our voice is respected, we have control over our lives, and disability pride and diversity are celebrated.'

Provide your feedback before 11:59PM Friday 28 July 2023.

Share your feedback here.

As always, the Engagement Team is available to assist with any questions you may have via

We look forward to seeing you on The Loop soon,

Wyndham Community Engagement Team