Engagement has closed.

Thanks to everyone who participated. An engagement report will be available soon.

Project Overview

Possy Newland Reserve is getting an upgrade!

The reserve has been included in an upgrade as part of Wyndham’s Play Space Strategy and Open Space Strategy. The upgrade will include new district level playground equipment, upgraded sports court, upgraded bbq area and new landscaping.

Engagement took place in 2020 to help inform the Concept Plan for the Play Space.

What's happening now?

In addition to the Play Space upgrade, we're planning to add a new Youth Space to Possy Newland Reserve as part of a grant from the State Government’s Tiny Towns Fund.

The new Youth Space, planned to be installed near the basketball court, will transform a six-meter painted container into a dynamic youth space where the Youth Services team and other stakeholders will engage young people through sport and recreation activities.

The Youth Space will be used for community activities and include new furniture and equipment, often in conjunction with Wyndham's Street Surfer bus. New seating and plantings around the Youth Space will also be included.

How to get involved

We want to know what you think of our plans for the new Youth Space and your ideas on what programs and events could be delivered there.

  • Share your feedback via the below survey
  • Attend a drop in session at Possy Newland Reserve and provide your feedback in person
    • Session 1: Thursday 1 August, 3:30-6PM
    • Session 2: Friday 23 August, 3:30-6PM
Share your feedback before 11:59PM Friday 30 August

Possy Newland Reserve - Basketball Court and Youth Space Concept Plan

Possy Newland - Playspace Designs

View further details about our plans for the playspace area in the Reserve here.

Contact Us

Get in touch if you have any questions or further feedback about this project.

नाम Parks feedback
फ़ोन 1300 023 411
ईमेल parksfeedback@wyndham.vic.gov.au