Consultation has concluded

"Bringing communities together to foster an inclusive and nurturing environment that maximises child and family health and well-being in a growing community".

The Wyndham Play Space Strategy was recently endorsed at the Ordinary Council Meeting. A copy of the endorsed strategy can be found in the document library.

Wyndham City has developed a draft Play Space Strategy to provide the strategic direction for existing play space areas and the programming of new play space works for 2025-2045 in line with the recent Open Space Strategy.

The Play Space Strategy aims to create a clear vision and principles, while taking into consideration:

  • changing demographics
  • quality
  • activity levels
  • place making
  • age appropriateness
  • diversity of play provisions
  • accessibility

Wyndham's Vision

Create an environment which enables children to grow and develop to their optimum potential.

Outcomes of the Plan:

  1. High quality, accessible environments which promote children’s creativity and maximise social interactions.
  2. To create an accessible community, where all children and families can access parts of the community by a number of modes, including; walking, riding and public transport.

How you can help:

  1. Access and read the Play Space Strategy.
  2. Provide us with any general comments and feedback using the below form.

Please note, you will need to register to this site before using the online engagement tools.