We want you to help design the Wyndham Inclusive Industry Toolkit
Wyndham City is among the most diverse communities in Victoria. Economic and community participation is key to realising the benefits this diversity brings.
As we find ourselves in some rather difficult and uncertain times, businesses need to remain positive and plan how to contribute to the City where we work post-COVID-19. The pandemic has noticeably hurt our community and economy, and it is critical now more than ever to understand our community and strive for excellence in every aspect of a business.
Wyndham City’s purpose is to identify and deliver initiatives that remove the barriers faced by diverse community members seeking employment and be given more opportunity to fully participate in economic and community life.
To support this work, Wyndham City has engaged Psynapse Psychometrics Pty Ltd, a diversity and inclusion specialist partner to work with the City to develop resources to help employers, delivery partners and other community stakeholders to implement fair and inclusive employment practices, from recruitment and promotions to developing team culture, and leadership.
How can you help?
As a member of the Wyndham community, sharing your insight and ideas are extremely valuable and allows the Wyndham Inclusive Industry Toolkit to be tailored to Wyndham residents.
Here's why you should contribute:
- We are developing an Inclusive Industry Toolkit specifically for the Wyndham workforce.
- Provide your perspective on Wyndham's Diverse Communities
- Contribute to a practical resource for Wyndham businesses that encourages Diversity & Inclusion best practice
- Advocate for underprivileged and minority communities in Wyndham for greater equality and inclusion.
Please share your ideas with us via the survey and enter your contact details to be in the draw to receive a $200 Digital gift hamper, purchased from local businesses to support the Wyndham economy.
Please choose one of the two Inclusive Industry Toolkit Surveys that is most appropriate to you. Or select the third option to register for our online focus group.
1. Survey for Community Members & Agencies
2. Survey for Local Businesses and Recruitment staff
3. Register here for our Online Focus Group: Tuesday 25th August 2020, 10 am - 11:30 am.
Note: This survey can take approximately 20 - 30 mins to complete depending on the detail of each response. We encourage you to take your time answering each question, to reflect on past experiences and ensure your response has been articulated.
With the enactment of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (previously the Information Privacy Act 2000) and the Health Records Act 2001, Victorian councils are required to comply with the privacy principles set out in the Acts and adopt policies on the management and handling of personal and health information of individuals. You can find more information on how your information will be handled here..
Competition terms and conditions can be found in the document library here.