What has been identified for protection?

The following places and precincts have been identified for protection under the Heritage Overlay.

The Gibbons and Beamish Streets Residential Precinct has been found to be of significance to the City of Wyndham and has been recommended for inclusion in the Schedule to the Heritage Overlay.

Design guidelines for the precinct have been prepared to guide future development.

Recommendations for the proposed Campbells Cove and Baileys Beach Boatshed Precinct will be presented to Council for adoption following the finalisation and adoption of an updated Boatshed Management Policy (currently being undertaken).

Other recommendations

At the Council Meeting 25 June 2024. Council resolved to Authorise Council Officers to prepare and initiate a work program for the development and implementation of alternative approaches to recognising the valued attributes of Werribee South in accordance with the recommendations outlined in Volume 4 of the Wyndham Heritage Review, Stage 2: Residential Places and Precincts, and in consultation with relevant stakeholders.

Images courtesy of the State Library of Victoria (SLV) - L-R: rw005610, rw005602, rw005601

Traditional Owner Engagement

We are undertaking consultation with Wyndham’s Registered Aboriginal Parties, including the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation and the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation to provide an opportunity to contribute cultural heritage matters to the project.

Read Volume 1 - Methodology Report*.

*Aboriginal cultural heritage information contained in the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Register has been redacted from Volume 1 – Methodology Report.

What's happened so far?

Wyndham Heritage Review – Stage 1 (Gap Study)

Council has completed a Stage 1 Heritage Review (Gap Study) which reviewed the existing Heritage Overlay, existing heritage resources, including unprotected heritage places across Wyndham and identified a number of gaps in the protection of post contact heritage places in Wyndham.

The Stage 1 Heritage Review (Gap Study) recommended further investigation and detailed assessment of 173 Individual Sites, including residential, commercial, industrial, community, archaeological places, military and infrastructure related sites, landscapes and trees, complex places, comprised of multiple land parcels and new precincts.

The Stage 1 Gap Study also recommended corrections to existing heritage citations, and the preparation of detailed Thematic Environmental History for Wyndham.

Stage 2 Heritage Study - Residential Places and Precincts

At the Ordinary Council Meeting 29th June 2021, Council resolved to adopt the Stage 1 Study and commence the first of the Stage 2 heritage studies - Work Item 1 (Residential places and precincts).

This includes individual residential places (including some groups) and precincts (generally residential, but also including the Campbells Cove/Baileys Beach boatshed precinct). You can read more about the Council process here.

Stage 2 Study – Phase 1 – Residential Places and Precincts Information Gathering

In August 2022, at the beginning of the Stage 2 Study, Council reached out to the community through letters to landowners, print and social media and The Loop, and invited residents to contribute information on places identified in the Stage 1 Study.

This information has been considered by the consultant and included where relevant.

What happens next?

Stage 3 - Protect residential places and precincts of historical significance

Following Phase 2 Engagement, Lovell Chen and Council officers will consider all community feedback and make changes to the citations where there are factual corrections, or where new information on the heritage place or precinct is found which changes the conclusion of the assessment or adds to the history of the place.

Places recommended for inclusion in the Stage 2 Study will not be removed prior to seeking Council adoption unless there is justification on heritage grounds. Property owners can also make submissions during the exhibition of a future Planning Scheme Amendment, and unresolved submissions will be considered by an independent Planning Panel.

The outcomes of Phase 2 Engagement, including a response to submissions, will be reported to Council in mid 2024. At this time, Council Officers will seek the adoption of the Stage 2 Study and commencement of a Planning Scheme Amendment to protect places and precincts recommended for protection.