A new Policy to help you get involved in your local open spaces

Our Adopt-A-Policy provides a straightforward option for community members to get involved in a once-off or longer-term shared management of a Council Open Space.

Under this arrangement a Community Group will take on the stewardship of a local open space in partnership with Council via a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

Activities in the park might include planting, mulching, pruning, watering, weeding, litter and graffiti removal.

Key Principles

The Policy is based on three key principles:

  1. The open space to be adopted will be mutually agreed to by the Community Group and Council.
  2. The types and frequencies of activities proposed in the adopted park will be mutually agreed between the Group and Council.
  3. The adopted park will be the joint responsibility of a Community Group and Council to maintain in partnership.

Policy Objectives

Adoption of a Park or Open Space by a Community Group must be supported by Council, and safe for community to access.

Open Spaces that may be considered include:

  • Parks and Reserves
  • Creeks and waterway corridors
  • Laneways in town centres

Consideration will be given to:

  • whether the land is flood prone, and/or
  • if the land has specific conservation values

The adoption of Open Space land where contamination is known to exist or may be present through a past land use will not be considered.

By Adopting-A-Park, the Community will take on the ‘stewardship’ of an open space and become actively involved in its management and improvement.

Options for the frequency of activities include:

  • One-off or annual activities in a Park such as Clean-up Australia Day or National Tree Day.
  • Adopt-A-Park – taking on the ‘stewardship’ of a park and coordinating quarterly or monthly activities in the park.

Examples of the types of activities that can be undertaken by a Community Group, and the support available from Council, are summarised below:

Once-off and Annual Activities
Community Group Council Support
Organise Activity Day and participants.
Activities on the day may include:
  • Once-off planting/mulching
  • Pruning
  • Weed control
  • Litter clean-up day
  • Graffiti Removal/Cover-up
  • Community painting
  • Environmental monitoring

Participants are encouraged to bring their own gloves.

  • Preparation of site and maintenance of park as usual post activity.
  • Guidance for group to plan activity including OHS guidelines and volunteer registrations.
  • Attendance of a Council representative on the Activity Day.
  • Supply tools and equipment such as water trailer, plants, bags, litter grabbers, syringe containers, paint removal chemical and a quantity of gloves etc.
  • Council will also provide rubbish removal, OHS signage and staff depending on the size of activity.

Group members should agree amongst themselves how often they want to meet and for how long, but sessions of one to three hours that occur monthly, quarterly or annually are typical. Groups are also encouraged to generate a calendar of events as this will assist in providing direction for existing members and in attracting prospective members.

Community GroupCouncil Support

Organise regular Activity Days and participants.

Activities on regular Activity Days may include:

  • Regular planting/mulching
  • Beautification/pruning
  • Regular weed control
  • Regular litter control
  • Regular graffiti removal

Participants are encouraged to bring their own gloves.

Group members can maintain the Area regularly as

they wish (weekends, after work etc.).

Activities may include:

  • Weeding
  • Litter collection
  • Hand watering
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Permanent signage will be installed identifying the Community Group that has ‘Adopted-the Park’ to highlight their contribution and commitment.
  • Prepare site, provide regular support, and regular maintenance of park as usual.
  • Guidance for group to plan activity including OHS guidelines and volunteer registrations.
  • Attendance of a Council representative on Activity Days
  • Supply tools and equipment such as plants, bags, litter grabbers, syringe containers, paint removal chemical and a quantity of gloves etc. This may be via pick up from Depot or delivered to the site/activity organiser.
  • Council will continue to provide water trailer, OHS signage, staff and rubbish removal depending on the size and frequency of activity.

Group members should agree amongst themselves how often they want to meet and for how long, but sessions of one to three hours that occur monthly, quarterly or annually are typical. Groups are also encouraged to generate a calendar of events as this will assist in providing direction for existing members and in attracting prospective members.

To clarify areas of responsibility and to make the Community Group’s contribution as meaningful and enjoyable as possible, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) must be entered into. The intent of the MOU is to establish clear protocols and responsibilities as they apply to adopting a park and to assist in the undertaking of mutually agreed outcomes.

The Community Group:

  • will have at least 5 members, including a nominated Convenor whose role will be to liaise with the Council representative
  • will enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Council
  • will organise the attendance of the Community on Activity Days

Council will:

  • nominate a Council representative whose role will be to liaise with the Community Group
  • provide equipment and support on Activity Days (as outline above)
  • continued to undertake regular maintenance of the open space

If the open space becomes unsightly or unsafe, or if the group ceases to function, Council will end the MoU and resume full management responsibility for the open space.

If a Community Group is already Incorporated (and has public liability insurance) then attendance of a Council Representative on Activity Days is not required

Share your feedback

We want to hear your thoughts on our new Policy via the survey below. You can read the Policy via the Document Library on the top right hand side of the page before providing feedback. Your feedback will help finalise the document before it is endorsed by Council later in the year.

Feedback closes at 11:59PM on Sunday 21 April 2024