Our Strategy was adopted in December 2023
Download the engagement reports below
Read the final Strategy here
What does this Strategy do?
Wyndham is one of the fastest growing municipalities in Victoria.
We have prepared a draft Wyndham Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy 2023 (the draft Strategy) to guide housing change across the municipality, and respond to this growth. The draft Strategy can influence the location and design of new housing, to help ensure that new homes are well-located and enhance the character of Wyndham's unique neighbourhoods.
How will the Strategy do this?
The draft Strategy first sets out a Vision for Housing, which guides how we plan for the future of housing. Four Principles underpin this Vision, which help us decide where in Wyndham is best located to accommodate future growth.
This approach makes sure our planning is consistent and equitable. You can read the Vision and the four Principles below.
The Housing Framework Plan is a principle-based way of understanding which locations are best suited to accommodate future growth. The Strategy's principles are applied to Change Areas and will guide future development. These are known as Limited, Incremental and Substantial Change Areas. The draft Strategy also identifies Neighbourhood Character Areas that will guide new development in a way that responds to the preferred character of an area.
We are now presenting the draft Strategy for public exhibition and feedback and want to understand what is important to you about your neighbourhood.
How to get involved
How to get involved
We invite you to either read the Strategy Summary, or the draft Strategy in full, where you can learn more about housing change and neighbourhood character areas.
You can have input into the draft Strategy by completing the survey below. A project timeline, including details of the events, are on the right hand side of the page.
Alternatively, if you would prefer to write to us about the 2023 Draft Strategy please email us at strategicplanning@wyndham.vic.gov.au or write to 'Draft Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy 2023', Wyndham City Council P.O. Box 197, Werribee, Vic 3030.
Provide your feedback before 11:59PM 10 September 2023.
Our Principles
The draft Wyndham Housing Neighbourhood Character Strategy 2023 is a key document that sets out a 15 year plan to guide the location, type and design of new housing across Wyndham’s residential areas
The draft Strategy identifies three categories of housing change, which each play a different role in accommodating future housing growth and diversity.
These categories are called Change Areas, and consist of limited, incremental, and substantial change areas.
It also identifies Neighbourhood Character Areas that will guide new development in a way that responds to the preferred character of an area.
You can download the full draft strategy in the document library.
The Strategy covers:
- Vision and Housing Principles
- Housing Framework Plan – This delineates and describes areas for substantial, incremental and limited change.
- Diversity and Type
- Affordability
- Sustainability
- Neighbourhood Character Areas
Is there anything we've missed?
You can let us know by filling out out Community Survey, at the bottom of this page.
The draft Strategy applies to all residentially zoned land across the municipality, including land that permits residential uses within both Wyndham’s established areas and growth areas.
Since 2018, Wyndham’s residential areas have continued to change rapidly. An evolving policy landscape has also seen further refinements to the new residential zones, implementation of new planning practice notes and broader changes to the operation of State-wide planning policies.
Additionally, Council is in the process of finalising the Draft Wyndham Plan, which sets out a new strategic vision for land use planning across the municipality. Ensuring alignment of the updated 2023 Housing Strategy with this Plan, as well as other recently completed strategies, is a key priority.
- Strategic alignment between the draft Strategy and the Draft Wyndham Plan (2022).
- General updates to the draft Strategy to reflect the latest State, Regional and Local strategic plans and policies.
- Updated demographic data, population and household forecasts
- Revised spatial criteria to inform the Housing Framework Plan, based on Planning Practice Notes 90 and 91.
- Revision of substantial and incremental change area boundaries to respond to feedback from the Department of Transport, Planning and Environment, following refusal of Amendment C161.
- Minor refinements to Neighbourhood Character precincts and boundaries.
Wyndham’s proposed Housing Framework Plan delineates three categories of housing change to guide the future development across Wyndham’s established and residential growth areas.
Known as ‘Limited’, ‘Incremental’ and ‘Substantial Change Areas’, these three categories balance a range of considerations to ensure that new housing is located in the right places.
You can read more about Housing Change Areas in the Housing Change Areas Explainer in the document library.
You can also search which areas are proposed for properties within the municipality using our online mapping tool below.
There are five Neighbourhood Character Areas in Wyndham.
These have been further broken down into twelve precincts to more accurately describe the characteristics of each area and to ensure neighbourhoods with special character are considered appropriately or identified for further protection controls.
You can read more about Neighbourhood Character Areas in the Neighbourhood Character Areas Explainer the document library.
You can also search which areas are proposed for properties within the municipality using our online mapping tool below.
Find out what's proposed for your property
Use the PolicyScape tool to search for your property