Consultation has closed

Thanks for your contributions. Download the Engagement Report here to see how we will use your input to make some changes around Wattle Avenue.

Share your thoughts about traffic issues and needs in your neighbourhood.

Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) studies are a way for Council to undertake an area-wide approach to providing safe and liveable neighbourhoods for local areas.

Residents have recently contacted Council about the changed traffic patterns in the Wattle Avenue neighbourhood. The Werribee suburb bordered by Synnot Street/Princes Highway to the north, Princes Freeway to the south, Duncans Road to the west and the Werribee Employment Precinct to the east has been selected for a LATM study.

Engagement with the community is an important part of the LATM study. Community members are best placed to be able to work with Council to identify the issues and needs in their neighbourhood, and are vital in shaping the final outcome.

You're invited to review what's planned to change below and provide feedback via the mapping tool or comment box before Sunday 5 December.

What's planned to change?

Significant data collection, analysis and the development of different actions to address issues in the local community have helped to form a number of draft LATM actions for the area. These include:

Introduce a permanent 40km/hr speed limit for Wattle Avenue precinct which is bounded by Princes Highway, Duncans Road, and the Princes Freeway.

The 40km/hr speed limit will reinforce the residential nature of the precinct and proposes to discourage short cutting motorists.

Speed limits are a major traffic control device, therefore any change will require approval from the Department of Transport (DOT) before implementation.

Subject to community support, Council officers will lodge a formal submission to DOT to introduce a 40km/hr speed zone throughout the precinct (not the surrounding main roads).

The draft LATM scheme proposes traffic calming treatments to reinforce the lower speed limit and in turn discourage through traffic.

Kerb outstands are proposed at locations nominated on the plan. These are proposed in addition to the traffic calming that is already in place along existing streets to further address speeding concerns. These traffic calming treatments will result in changes to on street parking in proposed locations.

The traffic island outside 8 Wattle Avenue is not working effectively to deter speeding.

We are currently developing a design to modify this traffic island.

Council will work with officers from DOT to identify opportunities to improve the overall road network for the area, not just the local road network.

Ultimately, one of the main keys to discourage motorists from travelling through the local road network is to improve the surrounding arterial road network.

Some recent examples of our collaboration with DOT include the ‘keep clear’ implemented for the Duncans Rd/Edwards Rd intersection and upcoming improvements to the signals at Princes Hwy/Wattle Ave where sensors will be installed to assist pedestrians.

Beyond the above actions proposed in the draft LATM scheme, Council will continue to monitor traffic in the precinct and if required, will look at additional opportunities.

An example of this is the recent implementation of ‘keep clear’ at Larose Place and Wattle Avenue.

