Our final Strategy was adopted in December 2023.

Download the engagement report to see how we responded to your feedback or fill in our survey to tell us what you thought about our process.

We've developed a new Strategy to ensure Wyndham will be the premier destination in Melbourne's West.

Our new Visitor Economy Strategy aims to provide directions for Wyndham City and industry to work together to foster a sustainable and prosperous visitor economy and support recovery from the impacts of COVID-19.

Through this new Strategy, we will:
  • Enhance the vibrancy and activation of the City by collaborating, supporting and promoting our entertainment, hospitality, and small business industries.
  • Continue to support the resilience and recovery of those hardest hit by the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic and other future shocks that may occur.
  • Drive growth and activation of tourism economy and activity centres.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic had a big impact on Wyndham’s visitor economy, visitation levels have almost recovered to pre-pandemic levels for 2022. Wyndham has recovered faster when compared to the Greater Melbourne region.

83 per cent of Wyndham's 1.5 million visitors are day trippers while only 14 per cent are over overnight visitors. We want to encourage more visitors to stay in Wyndham for longer through new experiences, increased promotion of what Council and tourism operators are already doing, improved infrastructure to make visitation easier and a greater emphasis on our natural environment.

Key Strategic Directions of the Strategy

The Draft Strategy includes four strategic directions that will inform actions over the next four years.

How will we track our performance?

This strategy provides the framework to make sure we work together with industry to foster a sustainable and prosperous visitor economy and support recovery from the impacts of COVID-19.

The Strategy is considered a ‘live’ document and strategic directions will be reviewed and updated in response to the current environment and organisational priorities.

Tourism data will be sourced annually to track key performance indicators to achieve the following performance targets:

1. Total Visitor Expenditure: $561 million
2. Domestic Daytrip Expenditure: $175 million
3. Domestic Overnight Expenditure: $155 million
4. International Expenditure: $232 million
5. Average Total Nights Stayed in Commercial Accommodation: 200,000 Nights per annum

How to get involved

We want you to tell us your thoughts on our new Draft Visitor Economy Strategy. Your important feedback will be used to help finalise the Strategy before it is reported back to Council in early 2024. Fill in the survey below and let us know what you think.

Provide your feedback below before Monday 27 November 2023.