The Times Square Park upgrade is complete!

Our upgraded park opened in November 2023.

Times Square Park Update - May 2023

After completing Detailed Design, we have finalised our design to include new bike loops and bollards - you can see our final design below. We have reconfigured the playspace to keep the exercise equipment in its current location with a new rubberised surface.

We are excited to see this concept brought to life, with construction starting in mid May 2023.
Other changes which were added to the concept plan based on your feedback included:

Project Overview

Times Square Park in Sanctuary Lakes is a large open space ready for an upgrade.

As part of Council's park upgrade strategy for the whole of Wyndham, as detailed in the Play Space Strategy and Open Space Strategy, Times Square Park will be upgraded to include playground equipment, a picnic area and new landscaping.

Late last year, we asked you what you would like to see in the upgraded Park and your feedback on the initial layout plan.

You shared your important feedback about preserving as much of the open lawn space as possible while also improving the junior play equipment and a DDA-compliant access ramp. We've used your feedback to help create our Draft Concept Plan.

How to get involved

Take a look at the Draft Concept Plan below which outlines how Council proposes to design the areas of the park and fill in the below survey with your feedback.