Engagement has closed.

Thanks to everyone who participated. Download the engagement report to see how we responded to your feedback.

Let’s get ready for a future indoor sporting stadium in Tarneit

As Wyndham continues to grow, we're planning for a new indoor sports facility in Tarneit.

We’ve heard from Wyndham residents about how important sport and recreation is to their health, wellbeing and connection to our community. The Tarneit Indoor Sport Facility will establish a major sport, health and wellbeing hub in Wyndham’s north and provide opportunities for community members to participate in indoor sport, gymnastics, dance and fitness activities.

It will be located on Derrimut Road within the Tarneit Major Town Centre and will be within walking distance from Tarneit Train Station. This is a long term project which may be delivered in stages based on available funding.

We would like to know what’s important to you when it comes to programs and services that might be offered at our new indoor sports facility in Tarneit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Read some FAQs about the project before you share your feedback.

Council’s strategic planning for indoor facilities identifies the establishment of a six-facility network across Wyndham, which is expected to welcome more than five million visitors each year.

As Eagle Stadium and AquaPulse have proven, these facilities will be critical community hubs for physical activity, mental health and social connection and places that make residents proud to live in Wyndham. They will be destination facilities that showcase Wyndham as a leader of sport and recreation in Melbourne’s west and further beyond.

The Tarneit Indoor Sport Facility, located on Derrimut Road within the Tarneit Major Town Centre (MTC), is planned to be a significant Indoor Stadium that will service the indoor sport participation, health and wellbeing needs of residents in the north of the municipality.

The design phase is a critical process to transform facility and community needs into design specifications and plans.

When it comes to securing construction funding from partners, we know a project that is designed and ready to commence construction will be seen more favourably than a project which isn't.

The plans for the Facility have been developed in accordance with the evidence base, key directions and objectives of the Active Wyndham Strategy and Wyndham Sports Strategy.

These are Council’s key strategies that drive outcomes which support Wyndham residents to lead physically active lifestyles for health and wellbeing.

The Facility will include:

  • Six indoor multi-use sport courts
  • A regional gymnastics centre
  • Multipurpose dry programming rooms that could include activities like Dance, Group Fitness Classes, Martial Arts, Pilates and Yoga. Other uses could include meetings and seminars.
  • A cafe
  • Office administration areas and amenities
  • Land and facilities outside of the proposed plan
  • Non-stadium-based leisure and sporting activities (including aquatic activities)
  • Education and development for 200,000 children annually across weekly gymnastics classes and school programs.
  • Around 750,000 visitations each year.
  • Gender equitable programming for active participation at the facility.
  • Targeted programs are delivered which provide access to segments of the community facing barriers to access and at risk of being physically inactive.
  • Participation growth for dominant indoor court sports – basketball and netball.
  • Major participation growth for non-dominant indoor court sports – badminton, table tennis and volleyball.
  • Attraction of regular regional sporting and community events.

Funding to construct the facility will require contributions from a number of partners. Council will explore multiple funding avenues to support the future delivery of the facility.

Your feedback is an important input into the decision making process for this project.

A Community Engagement Report will be provided after the engagement process has closed which will report back on what you told us.

We will combine your feedback received with other evidence, including research and customer data, expert knowledge and our strategic policies and guiding legislation to come to an informed decision around the next steps for this project.

Please only provide one feedback submission per person. All feedback received and IP addresses will be monitored to make sure no multiple entries or SPAM responses are submitted.

Tarneit Indoor Sports Facility Concept Plan

Concept Plan of the Tarneit Indoor Sports Facility including the foyer, sports courts, gymnastics hall and car parking.

How to get involved

We want to know what sports and activities you would like to see delivered at the Tarneit Indoor Sports Facility. There are lots of ways to share your feedback:

  • Fill in the below survey with your feedback
  • Attend a Drop-in Session and share your feedback in person:
    • Thursday 8 August - 4-6:30PM - Tarneit Central Shopping Centre, 540 Derrimut Rd, Tarneit
    • Monday 19 August - 4:30-7PM - Tarneit Community Learning Centre, 150 Sunset Views Blvd, Tarneit
  • Email the project team directly via activewyndham@wyndham.vic.gov.au
Provide your feedback below before 11:59PM Saturday 31 August 2024
  • Survey

    Share your feedback on what you'd like to see delivered at the Tarneit Indoor Sports Facility.

    This survey has closed.