Consultation for this project has now closed and final document is now available in the document library.

What's been happening?

We did some preliminary consultation via a survey with community sporting clubs, peak sporting bodies and local schools during July and August this year, in relation to Wyndham City’s Sports Facility User Guide and Sports Facility Capital Development Guide (2015-2020).

We received lots of feedback which we've reviewed and are now ready for further consultation.

The proposed Sports Facility Capital Development Guide 2020-2025 is available to view with key amendments to be implemented in early 2020. Highlights of the proposed changes are listed below.

Multi Use Sharing of Pavilion (section

  • Updated to ensure multiple sports user groups that have an overlapping season of usage (ie. Winter sport and ‘year-round’ sport utilising the facility at the same time) have an equitable amount of social community space within the pavilion.

Synthetic Soccer Fields

  • Updated to provide clarification within the policy around where and when synthetic soccer fields are to be provided to guarantee greater community use.

Tennis Court Surfaces

  • Updated to include the option of delivering one set of cushioned acrylic courts (2 courts) to ensure Council meets Tennis Victoria’s standards to provide a variety of playing surfaces that deliver on Active Wyndham’s objective to ensure older adults continue to be physically active for longer.

Sports Floodlighting

  • Updated to include an assessment guideline to assist in decision making around lighting additional fields. The assessment guidelines include; alignment with Council objectives; participation and use; value for money; and broader community benefit.

Community Area

  • Updated to include heating cooling and AV equipment in pavilions to create community meeting spaces outside of club operating hours to support the principle of flexible multi use.