This consultation has now closed. View the register here.
Tell us which trees on private land should be protected by Wyndham's Significant Tree Register.
Many trees within Wyndham are important to the community and have significant scientific, social, historic and amenity attributes. Council is developing a Significant Tree Register to provide a framework where trees of significance within Wyndham can be identified, assessed and afforded appropriate protection.
About the Significant Tree Register
The Significant Tree Register aims to celebrate and protect the unique and special trees across Wyndham.
Through a public nomination process, trees are identified for their significance based on the Natural Heritage Trust’s criteria of scientific, social, historical and amenity values. The register contains information on each significant tree, such as its type, size and history, and details of what makes it significant.
This Register will ultimately support an application to protect these trees through Wyndham’s planning scheme. If planning controls are supported by the Victorian Government, a permit will be required to remove or carry out major works on any tree listed within this register.
This register is intended to be a continually evolving entity. It will be updated to include additional significant trees and remove those that no longer exist within the landscape. As outlined in the City Forest and Habitat Strategy , now that the initial public realm trees have been identified, Council is expanding nominations to include trees within the private realm.
Trees on Public Land
Council has previously conducted two nominations rounds for trees on public land. Every tree nominated was subject to an arboricultural and heritage assessment and this has resulted in over 160 trees being identified as significant trees and included on the register[AS1].
Further nominations of trees in the public round can be made during the private land nomination period.
Trees on Private Land– Nominations Open
Significant trees on private land can now be nominated by filling in the online form via Council’s online map. Please visit
The nomination period will be open until 31st July 2020
Nominations Guide:
- Any tree can be nominated by any person.
- Trees on public land can also be nominated, please check the below map to check if a tree has already been nominated.
- Property owners will be contacted if a tree has been nominated on their land.
- Every nominated tree will receive an arboricultural assessment which will include a tree management plan for any required maintenance.
- Wyndham City Council will identify options to assist residents with managing trees that are included in the final Significant Tree Register.