The State Government is developing a plan for Victoria

The State Government is creating a blueprint to guide how Victoria grows and develops as a whole state. They want to make a plan for Victoria that reflects the voices, ideas and diversity of all Victorians.

How to get involved

Victorians have suggested the following Big Ideas and the State Government needs your feedback on the best way to deliver them.

  • More homes in locations with great public transport access
  • More housing options for all Victorians, including social and affordable homes
  • More jobs and opportunities closer to where you live
  • More options for how we move from place to place
  • More certainty and guidance on how places will change over time
  • More trees and urban greening in our parks and community space
  • More protections from flooding, bushfire and climate hazards
  • Greater protection of our agricultural land

Go to the Engage Victoria site to find out more about the project and get involved by completing a survey or uploading a submission.

You can also add your feedback directly on to a map to share what you love about where you live or your ideas to make the area even better for future generations.

Feedback closes on Friday 30 August 2024

Help shape the future for Victoria