An updated Local Government Act came into effect in March 2020 and this governs everything we do as a Local Council.

First and foremost, we are here to serve our community, including our future generations. To support this, the Act stipulates that we must have some key plans in place.

The below plans represent specialised bodies of work and areas of expertise that are critical to not only running an organisation, but also contributing to the long-term health and success of our community.

This includes the review of the Community Vision (Wyndham 2040 Vision) and the development of a new Council Plan (previously the City Plan). They must be developed and adopted by Council by 31 October 2021.

We must also develop some other strategic plans including:

The Community Vision describes the community's aspirations for the future of the municipality.

The Council Plan will set the 4 year strategic direction of the Council towards meeting the Community Vision. It also sets out indicators for measuring progress and performance. This was previously called Wyndham’s City Plan 2017-21.

The Long Term Financial Plan ensures the financial, social and environmental sustainability of all Council’s current and future activities. It will describe the financial resources required to give effect to the Council Plan and other strategic plans of the Council.

The Workforce Plan will provide the organisational structure of the Council and the projected staffing requirements for delivering the work of the organisation It will also set out measures to seek to ensure gender equality, diversity and inclusiveness.

The Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan is required under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008.

It directs Council’s contributions towards ensuring every community member’s right to the fundamental social, economic and environmental conditions which underpin good health and wellbeing. This was previously integrated with Wyndham City Council’s City Plan 2017-21.

The Asset Management Plan will provide information about maintenance, renewal, acquisition, expansion, upgrade, disposal and decommissioning in relation to each class of infrastructure asset under the control of the Council, for the next ten financial years.

The Wyndham Plan will guide the review of the Municipal Strategic Statement.

The Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) contains the strategic planning, land use and development objectives of the municipality and the strategies for achieving them. It is contained within the Wyndham Planning Scheme which also comprises state and local planning policies, zoning maps and planning controls.

These range of strategies and plans are adopted by Wyndham City Council and set the direction for specific areas of Council work and responsibility.

These plans will all be developed through the ‘Help Shape Wyndham’s Future’ project, an integrated process including, where appropriate, shared engagement, resources and communications to enhance community input.

They are integral to the successful implementation of the Council Plan and ultimately our communities' vision for Wyndham in 2040.

Help Shape Wyndham's future image