The Victorian government has developed a 30-year infrastructure strategy to provides a roadmap for infrastructure planning and investment across various areas, including housing, energy, transport, and social infrastructure.

The draft strategy recommendations aim to meet the infrastructure needs of current and future Victorians. They also recommend major changes to how the Victorian Government plans, builds and maintains infrastructure.

6 objectives help guide and structure the draft strategy

The draft recommendations and future options are grouped under 6 objectives:

  • Victorians have good access to housing, jobs, services and opportunities
  • Victorians are healthy and safe
  • Victoria has a thriving natural environment
  • Aboriginal people have self-determination and equal outcomes to other Victorians
  • Victoria is resilient to climate change and other future risks
  • Victoria has a high productivity and circular economy.

The State Government is asking for feedback on this Draft Strategy before it is finalised. Share your feedback below via the Engage Vic website before Monday 28 April.

Share your feedback

Share your comments on the Draft Strategy before it is tabled in the Victorian Parliament late this year.