Consultation has closed

Thank you for your contributions. Download the Engagement Summary Report here to see how we used your feedback to finalise the Policy.


The Draft Graffiti Management Policy is built on and simplifies our previous Graffiti Management Strategy.

We know that graffiti vandalism not only affects the visual appearance of neighbourhoods and influences perceptions of public safety, it is also costly for communities and property owners to remove and prevent. Other problems associated with graffiti include antisocial behaviour and loitering.

Whilst Council acknowledges that it is not possible to entirely prevent the occurrence of all illegal graffiti, we are committed to continuously reducing the overall amount of graffiti and the negative impacts it inflicts upon our Wyndham community.

To work towards achieving this, Council’s approach towards the management of illegal graffiti is based on three Key Result Areas - Prevention, Removal and Enforcement.

  • Install anti-graffiti murals in graffiti hot-spot locations to deter graffiti vandals;
  • Ensure Council’s mural guidelines (attachment 1) are adhered to internally and externally with a sound approval process;
  • Work closely with Wyndham primary and secondary schools and local community groups to coordinate preventative mural projects and/or graffiti education programs;
  • Aim to reduce graffiti by providing legal locations for street art via legal ‘hit up’ walls;
  • Work with internal and external stakeholders to ensure paint colours are chosen correctly to deter graffiti vandals;
  • Work closely with internal and external stakeholders to minimise the likelihood of graffiti through design, e.g. – planting shrubs along fences and not creating blank canvases;
  • Ensure easily accessible updated graffiti information is available to the community; and
  • Work with other Victorian Councils to ensure a collaborative approach with shared knowledge and resources in graffiti management.
  • Council will remove offensive graffiti on Wyndham City Assets within 1 working day from the time the request is received;
  • Council will remove general graffiti on Wyndham City Assets within 3 working days from the time the request is received;
  • Provide a graffiti removal support service to residents where graffiti is visible from a public space and at a height of no more than 5 metres;
  • Provide a graffiti removal support service to local businesses where graffiti is visible from a public space and at a height of no more than 5 meters. This service is offered twice yearly and up to a maximum of 5m2 per removal;
  • Where graffiti exceeds 5m2 on a local business or is greater than 5 metres in height, the relevant owner must remove all offensive graffiti within 7 business days from the time of occurrence and all general graffiti within 10 business days from the time of occurrence. If adequate removal action is not taken within these timeframes, further action in accordance with Council’s Community Amenity Local Law can be taken which may result in the issuing of an infringement notice;
  • Report graffiti located on other property to the relevant company (i.e. VicRoads, Telstra);
  • Provide graffiti removal kits to the community; and
  • Regularly audit hot spot areas.
  • Maintain Council’s graffiti removal database (AUSGR) on a regular basis to ensure that tagging information is assigned and stored adequately;
  • Supply tagging information to Victoria Police to assist in the prosecution of offenders;
  • Liaise with local business owners to restrict the selling of spray paint to minors as per the Graffiti Prevention Act 2007; and
  • Liaise with Victoria Police regarding general graffiti matters on a regular basis to maintain and strengthen relationships.

How to get involved:

  1. Download and read the Draft Graffiti Management Policy 2022-2027
  2. Complete the short survey below to provide your feedback