
Future Wyndham update

18 December 2024

Thanks again to everyone who shared some important ideas and feedback during our first round of engagement for the Future Wyndham project.

We've just published the Engagement Report as well as a video here which highlights what you told us and how we will use your feedback in the next stages of this project.

What happens next?

The second stage of the Future Wyndham project will commence in early 2025, where we’ll bring together 150 Wyndham representatives from our People’s Advisory Panel to discuss everything the broader community told us in stage 1 and lots more.

The Panel will create the draft Wyndham 2050 Community Vision, and will also provide important feedback to help the development of Council’s major plans, including the Council Plan/Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, Long Term Financial Plan and Asset Plan.

There’s still lots of opportunities for community members to get involved, including your chance to watch the Future Wyndham Community Panel in action – stay updated and have your say at

Questions? Contact the team any time via

Thanks again and we can't wait to see you soon on The Loop,

Wyndham Community Engagement Team