
The Better Buses community campaign is advocating for better bus services and connectivity across the state, with a focus on the west of Melbourne, to increase public transport use and reduce emissions from buses.

Access to affordable, equitable and reliable public transport is essential for ensuring people in the west can access key services and jobs.

The Better Buses campaign is seeking your input on where improvements need to be made in your local buses services.

Have your say

Using this interactive platform, you can rate your local bus route on frequency, reliability and connectivity, and provide feedback on what changes you’d like to see in Victoria’s bus network.

You can also nominate a ‘Bus Spot’ – this could be for an area that doesn't have a bus route or where you think there should be a stop but one doesn't currently exist.

The data collected will be used to show which areas across the state are most in need of bus reform and to demonstrate the changes commuters want to see across the bus network.

Consultation has closed

Find out more about the campaign