Reconciliation Action Plan 2023-2025 adopted!

The Reconciliation Action Plan was endorsed at the 25 July Council Meeting. Read the final document and the Community Engagement Summary Report.

We'd also like to hear from you on our engagement experience for this project. Share your feedback to help us improve future projects by clicking on the button below.

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Total Votes: 28

What is a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)?

A RAP provides a framework for organisations to understand and achieve their vision for reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. It is a plan that says what actions an organisation will take, over an agreed time frame, to build relationships, respect and opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Is this Wyndham City Council's first RAP?

Wyndham City Council commenced with The Statement of Commitment to Aboriginal Reconciliation in 2015, followed by the adoption of its first RAP in December 2017 which was implemented through to December 2019. The adoption of this second Innovate Draft Reconciliation Action Plan 2023-2025 will take place in mid-2023.

This Draft RAP builds on our experiences from the first RAP initiatives. We have made steady progress in some areas, however, we also know that there are areas where progress has been slower, and this is an area that we will address and commit to progressing.

How was the RAP developed?

Wyndham Reconciliation Advisory Committee & RAP Management Group

The Draft RAP has been developed in collaboration and partnership with the Wyndham Reconciliation Advisory Committee (WRAC) and Council’s internal RAP Management Group representing 23 council departments.

The WRAC was formed in August 2021, following the recruitment of members through an Expression of Interest process. The call was for both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members who live, work, study, volunteer or have a connection to Wyndham.

The WRAC met regularly and has been the platform for engagement between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities with Council across a broad range of issues and in setting a new Reconciliation vision for the next RAP.

Reconciliation Australia

Reconciliation Australia (RA) is the lead body for Reconciliation and provides a four-tiered approach to RAP development. Working with RA provides structure, expert support and guidance and accountability. It is a requirement of using the RA approach that they review and endorse the draft prior to adoption by Council.

Registered Aboriginal Parties

Meetings and consultations have occurred with Wyndham’s two Registered Aboriginal Parties. Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation who are the Registered Aboriginal Party to the west of the Werribee River and the Registered Aboriginal party to the east, the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation. Feedback and suggestions on the Draft RAP were sought as well as discussions around how to strengthen our relationships through the delivery of the RAP. Both Wadawurrung and Bunurong are keen to work together with Council and are interested in developing a Memorandum of Understanding to formalise the relationship.


The Draft RAP model focusses on the commitment of Council to Reconciliation on achieving outcomes under four themes which are underpinned by Governance. Each theme has broad ACTIONS, and DELIVERABLES under each action. Expand each area to find out more:

6 Actions & 33 Deliverables - Refer P34 of the RAP

Council commits to meaningful engagement with Traditional Owners, local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities, and First Nations stakeholders and organisations to ensure relationships are the foundation of our reconciliation journey.

We commit to nurturing these relationships to build a better understanding between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and all Wyndham residents to lead to a more inclusive and safe community.

7 Actions & 27 Deliverables - Refer P40 of the RAP

We value all people and we celebrate and respect diversity. This respect extends to the Aboriginal peoples, who are the Traditional Owners of the land Wyndham is being built on.

By providing opportunities for employees to learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories and achievements, we will create a culturally safe and inclusive workplace.

5 Actions & 32 Deliverables - Refer P45 of the RAP

It is important that local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents are supported to better determine their future. Council will continue to look for ways to provide opportunities within all areas of Council’s business for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities through employment and professional development, economic and business opportunities, to ensure our programs and services are culturally safe

5 Actions & 32 Deliverables - Refer P50 of the RAP

Wyndham City Council is learning about the importance of truth-telling and the role it has in strengthening shared understanding of the impacts of colonisation and removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Truth-telling is about acknowledgement of and liberation from past and continued oppression. It’s an opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to share their stories so we can hear the unpalatable. Wyndham City Council has not leaned into the Truth Telling space previously. This is a new initiative for the organisation and there is commitment to begin the long and uncomfortable process of uncovering the truth. Everyone has the right to know the truth and play a part in reconciliation and justice.

5 Actions & 16 Deliverables - Refer P52 of the RAP

To ensure success, Wyndham City will set clear objectives and monitor our results. We commit to tracking our progress and reporting our achievements, challenges and learnings.

How to get involved

We want you hear what you think about Council's 2023-2025 RAP.

  • Read the Draft RAP document
  • Click on the Survey to share your thoughts
  • We would also like to know how we can communicate and engage better with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People through the survey link.
  • Tell us what traditional land you're residing on - if you're unsure take a look at the map!
  • We would also like to invite Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander - First Nations' community members who live, work or visit Wyndham to attend a Yarning Workshop.
  • Yarning Workshop registrations closed

    We would like to invite all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander - First Nations' community members who live, work or visit Wyndham to attend a Yarning Workshop on 20 March.