Your voice is important!
Wyndham’s Youth Survey 2021 enables young people to share their opinions, ideas, and challenges and to share with council the issues that they care about. We want to hear from you!
The online Youth Survey 2021 replaces Youth Services annual face to face Youth Forum. The survey is for people aged 12-25 who live, study, work or socialise in Wyndham, providing council with important data about the current needs of Wyndham’s young people. The report includes information about mental health and wellbeing, bullying, work and study, neighbourhood and community, and social media use.
The survey will be used to inform Wyndham City’s Youth Services programs, activities and facilities over the coming year.
Survey participants can also choose to go in the draw to win a $500 Culture Kings or JB Hifi gift voucher.
For more information on the Youth Survey 2020, check out Youth In Wyndham on Instagram or email